Moonstone Healing Properties

Moonstone can help to sort through your emotions and gain a higher perspective on their meaning and purpose. It can aid in releasing frustration and surrendering to the natural progress of the cycles of life. It enhances patience and helps you remain objective when receiving empathic information from others. Moonstone calms over reactions to situations and to emotional triggers.

Moonstone is filled with receptive, passive, feminine energy. It balances male-female energies and helps men who want to get in touch with their feminine side. It is the perfect antidote for the excessively macho man or overly aggressive female. Moonstone helps restore emotional balance. This is a good stone for cleansing negative energy from your energy centers or chakras. This is also a stone of reflection, helping you to look within using the powerful tool of self observation for self improvement and spiritual growth. With this stone in hand, watch your actions and reactions to others without judgement.

Moonstone is a stone of mystery. It has often been associated with the feminine because of its ability to enhance the intuitive side of the mind.
When Moonstone is employed by females, it initiates kundalini energy and promotes clairvoyance. When utilized by males, it stimulates the right side of the brain, encouraging nonlinear thinking and emotional balance. In both sexes it frequency aids in clearing the aura, activating the third eye and crown chakras.

​Moonstone is the stone of new beginnings. It is strongly connected to the moon and to the intuition. The stone is reflective and re-minds us that, as the moon waxes and wanes, so everything is part of a cycle of change.

Its most powerful effect is that of calming the emotions. Moonstone makes conscious the unconscious and promotes intuition and empathy. It encourages lucid dreaming, especially at the time of the full moon.

​Moonstone opens the mind to sudden and irrational impulses, serendipity. Care must be taken that it does not induce illusions in response to wishful thinking.

Moonstone promotes dreaming. Dreams provide tools for self knowledge and help bringing mental clarity With moonstone under your pillow, use the messages of dreamtime to restore mental balance.